About William R. Lavell

William Lavell, born in Canada, is a college graduate in social service work. He has a heart for evangelism that inspired him to write his first book,

Casino: “All That Glitters Is Not Gold.”

William is busy writing two more books, which were also motivated by his evangelistic work. He desires to inspire the world and edify the body of believers with God's truths so that everyone can learn to soar like an eagle.

William Lavell sees a harvest of hope for those who are currently stuck in addiction and pain, and he wants to provide them with the necessary tools to be set free.

William's poetic messages are filled with golden nuggets that comfort and inspire, to abound in hope, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Encouraging readers toward a deeper walk with the Lord, 2Corinthians 5:7 “walk by faith, not by what is seen” Throughout the Bible, we have numerous examples of the Lord making Himself known to His own. However the church (The body of Christ) is living far below her privilege. Scripture teaches that it often is because of a lack of knowledge due to neglecting of Bible reading and prayer. One of the results usually is compromising with secular influences. Once again, William's hope for his new novel is that the church would be inspired and challenged to rise to her place of privilege, taste, and never let go of "the abundant life."

Soaring Eagle  Poetry When Oceans Rise And  Thunders Roar, I Will Soar With  YOU Higher Than The Storm TOP
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